Implementing natural numbers in OCaml
In this post we’re going to implement natural numbers (positive integers) in OCaml to see how we can define numbers from first principle, namely without using OCaml’s built in
type. We’ll then write a simple UI so that we have a basic (but inefficient) calculator. You can find all the code for this post on Github. -
Testing MCMC code: the prior reproduction test
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a class of algorithms for sampling from probability distributions. These are very useful algorithms, but it’s easy to go wrong and obtain samples from the wrong probability distribution. What’s more, it won’t be obvious if the sampler fails, so we need ways to check whether it’s working correctly.
The DjangoVerse
The DjangoVerse is a 3D graph of gypsy jazz players around the world. I designed this with Matt Holborn (he got the idea from the Rhizome) and built it using React and Django.